
Frequently Asked Questions

Employee Benefits + Employer Savings

What is a WIMPER Program, and how can it help my business?

At WIMPER Benefits, a WIMPER Program is a specialized service that assists
businesses in optimizing tax incentives through the Affordable Care Act. Our
team curates personalized incentive programs and manages compliance at no
net-cost to you. WIMPER (Wellness integrated Medical Expense
Reimbursement) provides W2 employees with an unlimited preventative medical
care application and $100K automatic-issue Whole-Life insurance policy.
Employers receive approximately $500 per participating employee each year in
FICA tax savings. Employees and Employers alike will only experience savings
and benefits when using our service, and never an out-of-pocket cost.

How can my business enroll with WIMPER Benefits?

Enrolling with WIMPER Benefits is a straightforward process. You can begin by
uploading your current payroll report (in Excel), through our encrypted website
portal. Or, contact our team here— and we will guide you through the necessary
steps to start saving on FICA taxes and provide valuable benefits to your

How does this WIMPER program work?

We analyze your business’ specific needs, and apply over 16 tax codes to
create a customized program. This ensures maximum savings on FICA taxes
while remaining compliant with the Affordable Care Act and tax codes. In short,
the program is funded by a reallocation of the W2 employee’s taxable income.
One component provides the preventative medical care application. The other
component reimburses those funds, and and then uses the reimbursement to
purchase a qualified Whole-Life insurance policy for the employee.

What kind of preventive medical care application do employees receive?

Our application provides unlimited access to medical professionals — allowing
employees to receive preventive care and consultations on their mobile devices.
It aims to enhance overall well-being and catch potential health issues early.
They will receive things like diabetes prevention, weight-loss and nutritional
coaching, addiction counseling, marriage and financial coaching, prescription
discounts and triage services. In turn, having these services can decrease both
employer and employee expenses on your primary insurance premiums.

How does the $100k Whole -Life insurance policy work?

As part of our benefits package, employees receive a $100k automatic issue
Whole-Life insurance policy. This provides financial security and peace of mind
for employees and their families. There are no medical exams needed to qualify
for the insurance policy.

What are the costs associated with enrolling in WIMPER Benefits?

Our fees for administrative duties are minimal, and are deducted from the
savings your business experiences. This means that you only pay for our
services when you see tangible benefits in the form of tax savings. When we say
that you will receive an average of $500/W2 employee/ year — that is calculated
after our fees have been deducted. So, you will never have a net-cost. The
program is, in fact—creating a profit for you.

How can my business enroll with WIMPER Benefits?

Enrolling with WIMPER Benefits is a straightforward process. You can begin by
uploading your current payroll report (in Excel), through our encrypted website
portal. Or, contact our team here— and we will guide you through the necessary
steps to start saving on FICA taxes and provide valuable benefits to your

How long does it take to see results after enrolling with WIMPER Benefits?

You will begin realizing tax savings on your very first payroll report that you are enrolled in the program. The savings and results are immediate. Also, employees may begin using their preventative medical benefits immediately.

What sets WIMPER Benefits apart from other similar services?

WIMPER Benefits stands out for several key reasons. Perhaps most important is our partnerships with CPAs, accountants, attorneys and financial advisors who have over a decade of experience with compliance in this field. We also have an automated enrollment system that takes any work-burden off of your payroll department, human resources and the rest of your team. Our unique auto-enrollment feature ensures that employees get to enjoy benefits quickly and
efficiently, and also helps employers maximize their savings. Plus, we’re in
contact monthly to ensure your payroll is running smoothly, your employees
understand how to use their benefits and the program is in compliance.

What are some of the tax codes used to create this program?

A WIMPER, (Wellness Integrated Medical Plan Expense Reimbursement) is a
qualified Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) under IRS Section 105b.
The tax codes have been around for more than 30 years. When combined with a
Whole-Life insurance plan, it serves as a complement to existing health
insurance. This integrated approach provides access to an array of mental
health, preventive care, and chronic disease management tools and services.
Both participants and employers can enjoy significant tax savings by
implementing a qualified WIMPER.

How are employers guaranteed to save money through WIMPER Benefits?

Employers are guaranteed to save money through WIMPER Benefits due to the
unique advantages of our programs. Employee contributions to a qualified
Section 125 Benefit are Payroll Tax-free, resulting in an immediate 7.65% tax
savings for every dollar employees spend on the program. This tax advantage
begins in the first payroll cycle following program implementation.

Can you explain the immediate tax savings for employers and employees?

The immediate tax savings for employers and employees stem from the Payroll
Tax-free nature of employee contributions to a qualified Section 125 Benefit.
WIMPER Benefits ensures that every dollar spent on the program creates a
7.65% tax savings for employers, contributing to substantial financial benefits
from the outset.

How does WIMPER Benefits minimize upfront costs for companies?

WIMPER Benefits minimizes upfront costs for companies by charging only a
small fee and offering net 30-day terms. This means that businesses can initiate
the program with $0 out of pocket, making it a financially accessible and
advantageous solution.

Are the tax savings and cost benefits realized immediately after program implementation?

Yes, the tax savings and cost benefits are realized upon implementation of the


What will my payroll team need to do to participate in this program?

We will schedule a meeting with your payroll team to run a mock-payroll and
demonstrate your savings. Then, we will guide your payroll team into
implementing the simple changes that we initiate. We remain in contact with
them for questions, and we take care of compliance. We make this very easy on
your entire team.

Is there a minimum or maximum amount that an employee must earn in order to qualify for this program?

An employee must earn a minimum of $25,000 annually to qualify, and there is
no maximum. However, we only account for the first $300,000 in annual income
when determining benefits.

Can an employee take their Life Insurance policy as cash?

The Life insurance policy does have a cash value, and the employees may take
from it, but will be taxed in doing so.

What if any are the tax penalties for using a WIMPER Program?

There are no tax penalties, only benefits.

Is there a co-pay for any of the medical services?

No co-pay.

How often does the employee need to use the application in order to remain compliant?

It is clear that the employees must make use of the application in order to enjoy
the tax benefits. And, they typically want to use it often because it is a great
perk. Specific usage requirements are often subjective. So, our company
remains in contact with your team monthly in order to help them use the service
to best help them.

How long does an initial evaluation take?

The initial evaluation may only take a few days. All we need is a current payroll
report in Excel format to verify your eligibility numbers.

How long is the enrollment process from start to finish?

The enrollment process takes about 30 days. Once your contract is signed, we
run a mock-payroll, and an auto-enrollment. We will meet with your team to
answer any questions. If you get your application in by the end of the month,
you will start seeing your benefits on the first of the following month. So, if you apply by November 15th, you will receive your benefits by January 1.

How can I calculate my approximate savings?

The best way to understand how the WIMPER program will benefit your
company is to get a complimentary evaluation, where we show you all of the
numbers. But, if you take $500 X your # of W2 employees, you will have an idea
of your average savings.

What if I don’t want to share employee names or social security numbers?

That’s okay. We do not need this information for your first evaluation. All you’ll need to do is give your employees a unique identifier, like a number. Once you decide to move forward with the program, we will need that information for tax purposes.Our work is HIPPA compliant and our online process is encrypted and
protected. So, personal information will never be shared.

Why have I not heard of this program before?

Many companies are unaware of the tax incentives that they are entitled to
receive. This particular grouping of incentives is available through the Affordable Care Act, which has been around for over 30 years. Up until recently, Fortune 500 companies have been enjoying these benefits because they had CPAs in the know. After Covid showed us that the government indeed has support that can benefit smaller businesses, more have become aware of this opportunity, and it is growing rapidly. However, even the most savvy of CPAs often cannot curate a program like this simply for lack of experience. That’s why our team has over a decade of experience doing this in a compliant manner so that companies like yours can also reap the rewards. Remember that WIMPER is not “one thing,” but in fact — a personalized way of using available incentives to best serve you FICA tax reduction and preventative medical care needs.

Who are some of the businesses that you’ve worked with?

We have worked with thousands of businesses and employees over the years;
notably — Massage Envy’s, KFC’s and Tobacco Shacks are some of our
recognizable chain corporations. We work with businesses with as few as 10
employees, all the way up to 35,000 employees. Our team is small but efficient.
We put automation to its best use, and make sure that you know you are cared
for in a personalized, very human way.